Monday, July 7, 2008

more from Wright

From N.T. Wright's Surprised By Hope: Rethinking Heaven, The Resurrection, and The Mission of the Church:

"How can the church announce that God is God, that Jesus is Lord, that the powers of evil, corruption, and death itself have been defeated, and that God's new world has begun? Doesn't this seem laughable? Well, it would be if it wasn't happening. But if a church is...actively involved in in seeking justice in the world, both globally and locally, and if it's cheerfully celebrating God's good creation and its rescue from corruption in art and music, and if, in additon, its own internal life gives every sign that new creation is indeed happening, generating a new type of community- then suddenly the announcement makes a lot of sense."

I've been involved in the church my whole life. Most of the time when I read the Scripture and then look at how she is intended to be I see major disconnects. I see disconnects in the way I read Scripture and the realities of life. I see disconnects in the way the church treats the poor, the rich, the outsider, and the each other. It is hard to evangelize friends and family when they just bring up the church, and I really can't refute their frustrations with the way the church acts. However, I have this hope that it doesn't have to be like this. That the church can grow into the image of God. That we can love one another- not perfectly, but we can try. That we can care for those on the outside. That we can be responsible with our money and care for the poor and teach the rich how to be faithful with their status in life. Then when we announce the good news, there is a whole new level of authenticity and power.

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