Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Justice, part 1

Preaching this week on God's justice.

This can be a very difficult subject, but I think is something we need to re-claim as central to our theology. We speak of mercy and grace, and yet abandon justice. I think we are afraid of this subject. This is probably due to a few reasons, but the primary reason, I contend, is that we live in a culture where the chief virtue is individualism. The lasting legacy of the Enlightenment is the individual, and if we are to say that God stands above the individual then we are assaulting some central tenets to modern thought. What if the individual is not the chief being in our world? What if there are larger forces at work than my own pursuit of happiness? What if my actions actually have consequences on others? What if there is a God who sees all of the cosmos and will hold me accountable for the ways I have selfishly lived my life?

How do I reconcile these questions with the individualism that invades our culture?

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