Friday, May 23, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull

I just got back from the latest Indiana Jones movie. This is the first movie I had seen in an opening weekend in a long time. I was so excited I even bought popcorn and a coke, two things I never do! The Indiana Jones trilogy has been one of my favorite movies of all time. I love the adventure, the humor, and the characters in all of the Indiana Jones (even the Temple of Doom). However, I walked out of this movie saying to Abby, "my childhood has been ruined!"

This movie had elements of the old movies, but none of the fun. I did laugh out loud a few times, and I did enjoy seeing the car chases- classic Indie movies, but the rest of the movie was a waste of time. Aliens!! Come on!

The woman was the same character from the Last Crusade. Harrison Ford struggled delivering lines, and he walked and looked like an old man. And in the end, Indiana gets married?!? I guess Indiana Jones is all grown up now, he is now Henry Jones and not Indiana Jones.

On top of it all, this movie was outrageous in the stunts- even for an Indiana Jones. Falling off the three waterfalls, running the duck off the cliff hitting the tree and then going into the river, barely escaping the ants... Come on! The old movies didn't go that far! On top of it, it was more believable because Harrison wasn't so stinkin' old.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the warning. I'll resist the intense urge to see it. I would rather remember Indiana Jones the way he was in my youth (back when I had the poster taped to my door, and I stood for hours on my driveway snapping a bull whip).

On the History Channel some guy said, "If there was evidence that the ancient Egyptians had cell phones or television then I would believe the alien theory. But stacking one stone on top of another? What's so hard about that?" It's unfortunate Spielberg chose to go that route.