Friday, May 23, 2008

Day With the Bishop

I spent most of yesterday with a group of new clergy and the Bishop of the Oklahoma Annual Conference, Bob Hayes. I can't say that I enjoyed myself. The thing about this meeting is that I continually struggle with the connectionalism of the United Methodist Church. I'm sure the Bishop and the cabinent saw this as a profitable time, but its not like I am building meaningful relationship. And on top if of all that, I see church ministry very differently than a lot of these people who are maintaining the organization. How do I network with people who have very little in common with me?

And yet at the exact same time, I love the connectionalism of the United Methodist Church. I love that every church will have a qualified pastor, maybe not effective, but qualified nonetheless. I love that if I ever really needed help, or just needed someone to cover for me, there is a DS or another pastor in town to help. I love the fact that I am accountable to someone, and everyone is accountable to each other. I love the fact that I cannot be fired from a church for upsetting people.

Yet, I don't seem to enjoy the connection...which leaves me thinking about what this relationship is really supposed to look like.

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