Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Prostitute not going to church

From The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancy

A friend of mine works with the down and out in Chicago. A prostitute came to him in wretched straits, homeless, her health failing, unable to buy food for her two year old daughter. Her eyes awash with tears, she confessed that she had been renting out her daughter- two years old!- to men interested in kinky sex, in order to support her own drug habit. My friend could hardly bear hearing the sordid details of her story. He sat in silence not knowing what to say. At last he asked if she had ever thoughts of going to a church for help. "I will never forget the look of pure astonishment that crossed her face," he later told me. "Church!" she cried. "Why would I ever go there? They'd just make me feel even worse that I already do!"

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